
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gone for too long!

I must admit that blogging has taken a back seat for the past two to three months.  Getting ready  for Christmas, I was really going strong and loved sharing everything I made for everyone on my gift list ! Since then I have spent all my time on ...... Not even important. Being back online is important to me, so as a late new year resolution I have promised myself to be a lot more active, and not only stick to Instagram. Even though I must admit that it is fun and instantly gives feedback! 

I have also decided that I will make my blog bilingual. As I am a Dane, but living in the US, I think it is only appropriate that I use both languages  here. 

And now to the creative part of this. I have been doing all kinds of things lately, which I primarily have shared with my very creative little group here at our weekly gatherings. And then off course on Instagram.  But I will try to put as much of it up here over the next couple of weeks. 

Let me start with a little crochet needle holder that I made recently. I got the pattern from two danish girls Isabella and Rosa and their blog "Garnkusserne". For the pattern please click here.

Jeg må indrømme at blogge ikke har været det jeg har brugt tiden på igennem de sidste to, tre måneder!  Som forberedelse til julen var jeg langt fremme i skoene og fik delt hvad jeg havde lavet til de forskellige på min gaveliste.  Siden da har jeg brugt alt min tid på…..slet ikke vigtigt. Men at være tilbage er vigtigt for mig, så som et sent nytårsløfte har jeg lovet mig selv, at være mere aktiv og ikke kun bruge Instagram, selvom det bestemt heller ikke er at kimse af. Det er sjovt og giver umiddelbar feedback.

Jeg har ogå besluttet, jeg vil gøre min blog to-sproget. Jeg er jo dansker, men er blot bosiddende i USA, så hvorfor ikke bruger begge sprog her.

Og nu til den mere kreative del af dette. Jeg har lavet alle mulige ting over de sidste par måneder, som jeg primært har delt med min lille kreative arbejdsgruppe. Nu vil jeg prøve at dele så meget som muligt her over de næste par uger.

Lad mig starte med et lille hækle hylster jeg lavede forleden. Mønstret har jeg fundet hos Isabella og Rosa fra "Garnkusserne". Her er et link til mønstret.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Annette,

    I have followed you over from Jeanette's blog ( where I just commented finally for the very first time!

    Just wanted to say hello, I like your blog and I see that we also both follow a number of the same blogs, so great to have common ground! :)

    Your photos in the side bar look interesting! You mention about a weekly group, what have you been making lately?

    I think it is great that you are posting in 2 languages, do you get many followers from your native country?

    Like you, I have international connections: I was born in Germany, then moved to England as soon as I was 21 and then lived there for the next 30 years. I got 4 (grown) children who were all born in the UK, and one of them is Welsh, the other 3 are English. Not that it makes any difference! Now I live with my Belgian partner and my youngest daughter in Belgium, together with my 3 cats!

    Feel free to pop over to my (brand new) blog, I am only just getting started! (Any advice, tips etc - let me know!)

    Hope to hear back from you,
    going to follow your blog!

    Happy crocheting!
    Have a lovely summer,

    Ingrid xx
