My first attempt was for my daughter, who absolutely loves Christmas and everything it entails. Needless to say we have already been listening to Christmas music for more than a week now!
She is also of the belief that Christmas has to de done in traditional colors. Not sure where that comes from, as I would love to decorate with alternative colors. But never the less traditional colors it is.
Jeannette from Lutter Idyl have made a great tutorial for this, that was very accessible. If you followed instructions you would be fine. As usual I am not good with reading manuals, directions you name it, so I had a few u-turns. In the end after a weekend of spending all my free time crocheting hexagons, this is the result, which I was actually quite pleased with.

My next project is a stocking for my son. When I asked him if he would like one like this, his answer came promptly: "yes mom but could you add som HO HO HO's?"
So that has keept me awake for the past couple of nights, (only kidding) and now I think I have an idea how to do it, without having to look at two totally different stockings hanging from the mantel.